Monday, April 28, 2008

April 27, 2008

It's been quit a week. We started off with a full day of preparing for a sweat lodge experience and then doing the experience on Saturday. On Sunday we attended church service and then a memorial service in Annapolis for the sister of a friend. On Monday we took Mom to the dentist, did several errands and had a book club meeting in the evening ("The Audacity of Hope" was discussed). Tuesday was a nice lunch in Chesapeake City with good friends and Wednesday, besides errands we enjoyed dinner with another friend here at Creeksedge. Thursday Nancy and I delivered her Jeep to the buyer out on Kent Island then I had lunch with a friend to discuss a sermon he had delivered on the source of meaning in one's life (a good discussion), did some grocery shopping for Mom, and attended class. Friday we picked up Nancy's new car - a Prius, and I attended class again. Saturday we worked for Rebuilding Together in Rock Hall helping to build a new porch and provided lunch to the workers. We went to Newark, DE for an African dinner in the evening. Sunday besides the church service, Nancy and I organized and conducted and Earth Day celebration for the church (*see picture) and I attended a landscaping meeting afterwards (like I know something about landscaping, but no one seemed to mind).
Now for some technology comments. I'm looking for a new cell phone. Right now I'm not sure if I should wait and see what happens later in the year when Android and other platforms become available or bite the bullet and get something now. So far I've waited and new 'stuff' seems to be coming out all the time but that's always the case and if one follows that strategy one would probably wait forever to upgrade. We're a little limited in our choice as where we live only Verizon offers decent service but they've said they will open up their network to any qualified device later this year. Maybe I'll wait a little longer and see if anything really new develops.