Thursday, November 27, 2008

Movie and Visitors

It came and we went. I'm referring to the new James bond movie "Quantum of Solice" (where did they ever get that title?). It was awful. Actually, if you like action and lots of it this is probably your kind of movie. Now I like action as much as most but not a whole movie of nothing much but action and that's what "Quantum of Solice" turned out to be. No clever gadgets, no one line singers (not even a "Bond, James Bond"), no or little plot, etc. I remain a James Bond fan but am hoping for better next time.
We've had our first real freeze and the creek had ice on it this morning. Unfortunately I haven't finished with the leaves but hope to get to the remaining ones this week. I figure about one more relatively light blowing, after I finish this week ought to do it.
Elissa and Toby Christie visited mom Monday and we got to spend some time with them also. Looked like California agrees well with both of them.

We finally did it and ordered a couple of BlackBerrie phones, one for each of us. Don't know how their going to work out but we have a month to try them out to see if we like them.
The moon has been beautiful rising over the cove. The picture doesn't really do it justise but you probalby get the idea.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Michigan Visit

It was Isabella's 8th birthday and we went to Troy to help her celebrate and, of course, to see Polly, Mark, Grace and all the relatives. As always there was much to do. We went to Grace's school then helped Polly and ourselves with some shopping and came back to Grace's school to pick her up. That night was gymnastics for both Isabella and Grace. Here is Isabella several yards in the air on a rope.

Of course Grace had to try it also so here she is on the same rope.

And we all ended up in the 'pit' which consisted of many soft, spong like cubes into which one could dive were one so brave.

The next day was the celebration of Isabella's birthday. It started with making gingerbread men. Here Polly, Nonna, Isabella and Grace are putting final decorations on the gingerbread men.

I think they all enjoyed it but Isabella and Grace probably enjoyed it most. At least the making and eating of the frosting.

After that Isbella and Nonna with some help from Grace built and decorated a gingerbread house. A tradition in the Cuney family.

Finally it was time for the birthday celebration. Here's Isabella beginning to open her gifts.

And then came the special just for Isabella cake.

And the blowing out of candles (actually we were just too excited to capture the blowing out of the candles but here's what the cake looked like just before Isabella successfully blew them all out).

It was a great trip and everyone appears to be doing well in Troy. Three sets of grandparents were on hand to help celebrate along with cousins and nieces and friends. It was certainly a great way to celebrate an eighth birthday.

Upon arriving home we had a couple of guys cleaning up the tree that fell down last August. It takes a while to get some things done on the Eastern Shore - what can I tell you. Besides cleaning up the mess that the fallen tree made on our property we also had them cut a dead tree from in front of our house. The tree was about 60 feet high and we were afraid that a good wind storm would cause it to come crashing down on the house. Because of it's location we asked that they take it down in pieces rather than just cutting it down and letting it fall. Consequently the lead guy strapped on climbers and climbed most of the way up, topped the tree and kept coming down and cutting off relatively short sections and letting them drop to the ground. Not something I'd like to try. Here's a picture of of him part way up the tree.

All ended well with the tree down, neatly cut up and stacked and, most importantly, no injuries.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A Busy Life

Well, it's been awhile. No real excuse, just lazyness I guess. We've had a lot of company mostly because Mom is now located here. And it's all been great. We get to see more of the nieces and nephews than we ever have. A wonderful benefit. Last month Sara and Ella visited. Now I know you don't want to see all the pictures but since I haven't been updating this for awhile I'm going to include several (just couldn't resist).

Here's Ella on the deck

Ella and Nancy in the tent (I think Ella may have enjoyed it more than Nancy)

Here we are trying to hulla hoop

And you didn't think I could do it I'll bet

Nancy is getting some expert instruction

And we don't want to forget Sara
A great visit that we really enjoyed.
It was followed closely by a visit from our friends the Gordons who were passing through on their way to sit with their granddaughter in Virginia.

I will wait till next time to comment on the election (we're on our way to an election night party so I've got to go) and on technology. Things have been good and I'll try and get it together and post more regularly.